Dr. Stoney Brooks
Associate Professor of Information Systems and Analytics
![Dr. Stoney Brooks](/faculty-information/images/Brooks__Stoney_1.jpg)
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Departments / Programs
Degree Information
- PHD, Washington State University (2013)
- MS, Colorado State University (2007)
- BS, Colorado Mesa University (2005)
- BBA, Colorado Mesa University (2005)
Bridgestone Americas Distinguished Lecturer, Jones College of Business, 2018
E.W. “Wink” Midgett Faculty Research Award, 2018
MBAA International McGraw-Hill Distinguished Paper Award – SAIS, 2016
AMCIS MIS Camp, 2015 I
CIS Junior Faculty Consortium, 2013
DSI New Faculty Consortium, 2013
Research / Scholarly Activity
Erskine, M., Zaza, S., Brooks, S., and Seipel, S. (2020). Exhaustion from Information System Career Experience: Are the Implications for Turn-Away Intention Different for Millennials? AIS Transactions on Replication Research
Zaza, S., Erskine, M., Brooks, S., and Morris, S. (2020). Emotional Dissonance and the Information Technology Professional: A Methodological R...
Erskine, M., Zaza, S., Brooks, S., and Seipel, S. (2020). Exhaustion from Information System Career Experience: Are the Implications for Turn-Away Intention Different for Millennials? AIS Transactions on Replication Research
Zaza, S., Erskine, M., Brooks, S., and Morris, S. (2020). Emotional Dissonance and the Information Technology Professional: A Methodological Replication Study. AIS Transactions on Replication Research
Whelan, E., Brooks, S., Islam, N. (2020). Applying the SOBC Paradigm to Explain how Social Media Overload Affects Academic Performance. Computers & Education (143).
Califf, C., Brooks, S. (2020). An Empirical Study of Techno-Stressors, Literacy Facilitation, Burnout, and Turnover Intention as Experienced by K-12 Teachers. Computers & Education (157).
Islam, N., Whelan, E., Brooks, S. (2020). Does Multitasking Computer Self-Efficacy Mitigate the Impact of Social Media on Overload and Fatigue among Professionals? Information Technology & People.
Brooks, J. G., Korzaan, M. L., Brooks, S. (2020). Normative commitment in an information systems project environment. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business.
Erskine, M. A., Brooks, S., Apigian, C. H., Greer, T. H. (2020). From driver assistance to fully-autonomous: examining consumer acceptance of autonomous vehicle technologies. Journal of Consumer Marketing.
Califf, C., Brooks, S., Longstreet, P. (2020). Human-Like and System-Like Trust in the Sharing Economy: The Role of Context and Humanness. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 154(May 2020).
Longstreet, P., Brooks, S, and Gonzalez, E. (2020). “Internet Addiction: When Feel Good Usage Becomes a Bad Consequence”. Technology in Society
Datta, A., Brooks, S., Sahaym, A. (2019). Crowdfunding Success through Social Media: Going beyond Entrepreneurial Orientation in the context of Pre-existing Young Firms. Journal of Business Research.
Datta, A., Sahaym, A., and Brooks, S. (2018). “Unpacking the Antecedents of Crowdfunding Campaign’s Success: The Effects of Social Media and Innovation Orientation”. Journal of Small Business Management
Brooks, S., Wang, X., and Schneider, C. (2020). "Technology Addictions and Technostress: An Examination of the U.S. and China". Accepted at Journal of Organizational and End User Computing.
Brooks, S., Clark, J., Clark, C, and Gambill, S. (2018). “The Information Systems name game revisited: Still muddled 20 years later.” Journal of Computer Information Systems, pp 1-6
Brooks, S., Hedman, J., Henningsson, S., Sarker, S., Wang, X. (2018) “Antecedents and Effects of Green IS Initiatives: Insights from Nordea”. Journal of Cases on Information Technology
Lin, X., Featherman, M., Brooks, S., and Hajli, M. (2018). “Exploring gender differences in online consumer purchase decision making: an online product presentation perspective". Information Systems Frontiers, pp 1-15
Clark, J., Clark, C., Gambill, S., and Brooks, S. (2017). “IS Curriculum Models, course offerings, and other academic myths/hopes” Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 17(9), pp 61-68
Longstreet, P., and Brooks, S. (2017). “Life Satisfaction: A Key to Managing Internet & Social Media Addiction” Technology in Society, 50, pp. 73-77
Brooks, S. (2017). “Interdisciplinary App Development Project: A Case Study Across Three Departments”. Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 19(3), pp. 15-23
Nelson, D., Brooks, S., Sahaym, A., and Cullen, J. (2017). “Family-friendly Work Perceptions: A Cross Country Analysis” Gender in Management: An International Journal, 32(4), pp. 300-316
Brooks, S., Longstreet, P., and Califf, C. (2017). “Social Media Induced Technostress and its Impact on Internet Addiction: A Distraction-conflict Theory Perspective” AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 9(2), pp 99-122
Brooks, S. and Califf, C. (2017). “Social Media-Induced Technostress: Its Impact on Job Performance and the Moderating Role of Job Characteristics” Computer Networks, 114, pp 143-153
Brooks, S., Gambill, S., Clark, J., and Clark, C. (2016). “What’s in a Name? An Examination of Information System Degree Programs in AACSB International Accredited Schools.” Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 16(6)
Brooks, S., and Taylor, J. (2016). “Improving the teaching of Microsoft Excel: Traditional book versus online platform” Journal of Education for Business, 91(5), pp 251-257
Brooks, S., and Longstreet, P (2015). “Social Networking’s Peril: Cognitive Absorption, Social Networking Usage, and Depression” CyberPsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 9(4)
Wang, X., Brooks, S., and Sarker, S. (2015). “Understanding Green IS Initiatives: A Multi-theoretical Framework” Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 37, Article 32
Wang, X., Brooks, S., and Sarker, S. (2015). “A Review of the Green IS Research and Directions for Future Studies” Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 37(1), pp 395-429
Brooks, S. (2015). “Does personal social media usage affect efficiency and well-being?” Computers in Human Behavior, 46, pp 26-37
Brooks, S., Wang, X., & Sarker, S. (2012). Unpacking Green IS: A Review of the Existing Literature and Directions for Further Research. In Jan vom Brocke, Stefan Seidel, & Jan Recker (Eds.), Green Business Process Management - Towards the Sustainable Enterprise. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. ISBN 978-3-642-27487-9.
Erskine, M. A., Zaza, I. M., Brooks, S. L., Armstrong, K. (2020). Examining IT Career Anchors and IT Professionals’ Turnaway Intention. ACM Special Interest Group (SIG) on Management Information Systems (MIS).
Datta, A., Brooks, S. L., Sahaym, A. (2019). Social Media And New product Introduction: Role of Proactiveness, Risk-Taking and Market Dynamism.
Brooks, S. L., Erskine, M. A., Apigian, C. H., Greer, T. H. (2019). The Effects of Culture and Gender on Perceptions of Autonomous Vehicles: Comparing the Big Three (China, USA, and the EU) Automotive Markets. Proceedings of the Fortieth International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Association for Information Systems.
Erskine, M. A., Brooks, S. L. (2019). Attitude and Behavioral Intentions Regarding Autonomous Automobiles: Effects of Emotional Response and Locus of Control. Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Association for Information Systems. https://aisel.aisnet.org/amcis2019/treo/treos/45/
Datta, A., and Brooks, S. (2018). “Crowdfunding-campaign success: The effect of entrepreneurial orientation and social media,” Academy of Management Proceedings, Chicago, IL, USA
Islam, N., Whelan, E., and Brooks, S. (2018). “Social Media Overload And Fatigue: The Moderating Role Of Multitasking Computer Self-Efficacy,” Americas Conference on Information Systems 2018 Proceedings, New Orleans, LA, USA
Datta, A., Sahaym, A., and Brooks, S. (2018). “Determinants of Crowdfunding Campaign Success: The Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Strategic Use of Social Media,” Proceedings of Western Academy of Management 2018, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Whelan, E., Islam, N., and Brooks, S. (2017). “Cognitive Control and Social Media Overload” Americas Conference on Information Systems 2017 Proceedings, Boston, MA, USA
Sahaym, A., Datta, A., and Brooks, S. (2017). “Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Social Media on New Product Creation: A Socialnomics view” 2017 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA
Brooks, S., Schneider, C., and Wang, X. (2016). “Technology Addictions and Technostress: An Examination of Hong Kong and the U.S.” Americas Conference on Information Systems 2016 Proceedings, San Diego, CA, USA
Brooks, S. (2016) “Personal Social Media in the Workplace: The Influence of Job Characteristics and Technostress on Performance” MBAA International Annual Conference 2016 Proceedings, Chicago, IL, USA
Brooks, S. and Longstreet, P. (2015). “Life Satisfaction: The Key to Managing Internet & Social Media Addiction,” Americas Conference on Information Systems 2015 Proceedings, Fajardo, PR, USA
Brooks, S. (2015). “Being Social isn't Just About Fun: An Examination of Personal Social Media Usage,” Americas Conference on Information Systems 2015 Proceedings, Fajardo, PR, USA
Brooks, S. (2015). “Do Demographics Matter? The Role of Gender, Age, Socioeconomic Status, and Ethnic Identity on Website Personalization,” MBAA International Annual Conference 2015 Proceedings, Chicago, IL, USA
Lin, X., Featherman, M., and Brooks, S. (2013). “Factors Affecting Online Consumer Behavior: An Investigation Across Gender,” Americas Conference on Information Systems 2013 Proceedings, Chicago, IL, USA
Lin, X., Featherman, M., Brooks, S., and Hajli, N. (2013). “Do Interactivity and Vividness Impact Objective and Subjective Claims of Online Product Presentation?,” Americas Conference on Information Systems 2013 Proceedings, Chicago, IL, USA
Brooks, S., Califf, C., & Martin, T. (2012). “Do Distractions and Interruptions Mitigate Online Impulse Purchasing?: An Empirical Investigation,” Americas Conference on Information Systems 2012 Proceedings, Seattle, WA, USA
Brooks, S., Wang, X., & Sarker, S. (2010). “Unpacking Green IT: A Review of the Literature,” Americas Conference on Information Systems 2010 Proceedings, Lima, Peru