Dr. Amy Elleman

Departments / Programs
Degree Information
- PHD, Vanderbilt University (2009)
- MED, Vanderbilt University (2002)
- BS, University of Maryland Global Campus (1994)
Areas of Expertise
- Evaluating the validity of current reading comprehension tests
- Conducting a meta-analysis of comprehension interventions
- Developing a method for teaching inference generation to children who struggle with extracting meaning from text
Oslund, E. L., Elleman, A. M., & Wallace, K. (2020). Factors related to data-based decision-making: Examining experience, professional development, and the mediating effect of confidence on teacher graph literacy. Journal of Learning Disabilities.
Elleman, A. M., Oslund, E. L., Griffin, N., & Meyers, K. (2019). A review of middle school vocabulary interventions: Five research-based recommendations for practice. Language, Spee...
Read More »Oslund, E. L., Elleman, A. M., & Wallace, K. (2020). Factors related to data-based decision-making: Examining experience, professional development, and the mediating effect of confidence on teacher graph literacy. Journal of Learning Disabilities.
Elleman, A. M., Oslund, E. L., Griffin, N., & Meyers, K. (2019). A review of middle school vocabulary interventions: Five research-based recommendations for practice. Language, Speech, and Hearing in Schools, 50, 477-492.
Elleman, A. M., & Oslund, E. L. (2019). Reading comprehension research: Implications for practice and policy. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 6(1), 3-11.
Elleman, A. M. (2017). Examining the impact of inference instruction on the literal and inferential comprehension of skilled and less skilled readers: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Educational Psychology, 109(6), 761-781.
Elleman, A. M., Steacy, L. M., & Compton, D. L. (2017). Child and word predictors of vocabulary acquisition during text reading among struggling readers. Scientific Studies of Reading, 21(2), 133-145.
Elleman, A. M., & Compton, D.L. (2017). Beyond comprehension strategy instruction: What’s next? Language, Speech, and Hearing in Schools, 48, 84-91.
Barth, A. E., & Elleman, A. M.+ (2016). Evaluating the impact of a multi-strategy inference intervention for middle grade struggling readers. Language, Speech, and Hearing in Schools, 48, 31-41.
Elleman, A. M., Lindo, E. J., Morphy, P., & Compton, D. L. (2009). The impact of vocabulary instruction on passage-level comprehension of school-age children: A meta-analysis. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 2, 1-41.
Elleman, A. M. (2020, November). Supporting students’ deeper understanding of text through inference generation and knowledge-building. Spoken presentation for the International Dyslexia Association Virtual Conference.
Elleman, A. M. (2021, February). What did I just read? Leveraging knowledge, vocabulary, and inference generation to improve reading comprehension. Invited Thought Leader presentation at Plain Talk about Literacy and Le...
Read More »Elleman, A. M. (2020, November). Supporting students’ deeper understanding of text through inference generation and knowledge-building. Spoken presentation for the International Dyslexia Association Virtual Conference.
Elleman, A. M. (2021, February). What did I just read? Leveraging knowledge, vocabulary, and inference generation to improve reading comprehension. Invited Thought Leader presentation at Plain Talk about Literacy and Learning, Virtual Conference.
Elleman, A. M. (2020, January). Searching for deeper meaning: Evidence-based strategies for improving comprehension. Invited presentation at Plain Talk about Literacy and Learning, New Orleans, LA.
Elleman, A. M. (2018, June). Intentional comprehension instruction: Why some students struggle and what we can do about it. Keynote presentation for the Mid-Cumberland Children’s Reading Foundation 2nd Annual Reading Conference, Lebanon, TN.
Elleman, A. M. (2019, July). Relations between vocabulary and comprehension: A story of complexity. Discussant paper for the symposium, Aspects of vocabulary and reading comprehension, presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Toronto, Canada.
Elleman, A.M., Brasher, C.F.,* Cooper, J.L,* Oslund, E.L., Kim, J.K., & Odegard, T. (2018, July). In Search of a Reliable, Valid, and Instructionally Useful Measure for Comprehension Progress Monitoring: An Examination of Reader and Maze Item Characteristics. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Brighton, United Kingdom.
Elleman, A. M., Steacy, L. M., Elmore, J., Fitzgerald, J., Borovsky, A., Compton, D. L., Coyne-Green, A., Pritchard, E., Olson, C.*, Fields, S.*, & Griffiths, N.* (2017, April). Modeling the complex nature of vocabulary learning for students with learning differences. Vocabulary SIG presentation at the American Education Research Association Conference, San Antonio, TX.
MTSU Distinguished Research Award 2020-21
The Foundation for Dyslexia Speaker Award of Excellence, TN IDA 2016