Master's Comprehensive Exam Registration

In order to take the Comprehensive Exam you have to be a 'graduate' student attending our college and approved by the professor and/or degree coordinator.

To register for the Masters' Comprehensive Exam, please complete the ENTIRE REQUIRED (indicated with red asterisk) form below:


See Master's Comprehensive Exam Schedule.

*If you are an I-O student and will be taking the PHR, please indicate that on the form (Area/Degree)

Important Notes

  • Check with professor(s) regarding study classes, forms, etc.
  • Deadline for registration is noted on the Schedule page.
  • Registration will NOT be accepted during the week BEFORE the exam! (unless approved by professor.)
  • Please contact Jordan Tindall (Jordan Tindall)or 615.898.5627 as soon as possible if you wish to cancel your seating for the exam.

There are no fee(s) to take the Comprehensive Exam

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Schedule Advising Appointment

Use your Pipeline username and password for log in.

Department of Psychology
Academic Classroom Building (ACB)
Suite 240

Hours: 8AM - 4:30PM,

(615) 898-2706