Spring 2025 Strategic Plan Update
In fall 2023, Provost Mark Byrnes and I launched an integrated strategic planning process designed to unite our three existing plans (the Quest for Student Success, Academic Master Plan, and the 2015–2025 MTSU Strategic Plan) into a single institutional Strategic Plan 2035.
The 2035 integrated strategic planning process has been organized around four pillars:
- Academic Quality
- Student Success
- Engagement
- Innovation
Goals, strategies, and metrics for each of these pillars were developed by subcommittees that included broad representation from faculty, staff, students, and alumni and community leaders. A complete timeline of that process is available on the University website at mtsu.edu/strategicplan.
All members of the University community were invited to participate in development of the strategic plan through activities such as:
- Responding to mission review surveys
- Attending town halls and focus group sessions
- Reviewing and responding to drafts of the strategic plan
The process is now shifting to the development of an implementation plan. An implementation committee consisting of plan development co-chairs and implementation partners from across the University’s divisions will establish concrete action steps to position us to launch the plan during the 2025–26 academic year.
We invite you to visit the Strategic Plan 2035 webpage often to keep updated about the activities of the Strategic Plan Committee and how you can continue to be involved.