Thomas Tyner
![Thomas Tyner](/faculty-information/images/ttyner.jpg)
Departments / Programs
Degree Information
- MA, Middle Tennessee State University (1989)
- BA, Middle Tennessee State University (1978)
Tyner, Tom. "Applying Kolb's Theory in the Writing Classroom," in Writing Perspectives, Vol. 2 #1, Spring 1992.
___. "Shades at Midnight: Conventions of the White Blues Player," included in Middle Tennessee State University's Center for Popular Music collection, Fall 1992.
___. "Student Learning Styles and Achievement," in TNADE Bulletin, March 1993.
___. "Type Writers: Enhancing Teaching/L...
Tyner, Tom. "Applying Kolb's Theory in the Writing Classroom," in Writing Perspectives, Vol. 2 #1, Spring 1992.
___. "Shades at Midnight: Conventions of the White Blues Player," included in Middle Tennessee State University's Center for Popular Music collection, Fall 1992.
___. "Student Learning Styles and Achievement," in TNADE Bulletin, March 1993.
___. "Type Writers: Enhancing Teaching/Learning Strategies Using Myers-Briggs," in TNADE Bulletin, March 1994.
___. "Using Campus Cultural Events to Generate Developmental Writing Assignments," in TNADE Bulletin, March 1994.