Dr. Rajesh Srivastava
![Dr. Rajesh Srivastava](/faculty-information/images/Srivastava__Rajesh_0.jpg)
Departments / Programs
Degree Information
- PHD, University of North Texas (1996)
- MBA, University of North Texas (1991)
- BE, Saurashtra University (1987)
Areas of Expertise
International Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Principles of Marketing
Sales Force Management
Marketing Management
Health Care Marketing
Marketing Management
Published in
Asia Pacific Journal of Management
Equal Opportunities International
Health Marketing Quarterly
Industrial Marketing Management
International Journal of Business and Management
Journal of Academy of Marketing Science
Journal of Business Ethics
Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing,
Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management
Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management
Published in
Asia Pacific Journal of Management
Equal Opportunities International
Health Marketing Quarterly
Industrial Marketing Management
International Journal of Business and Management
Journal of Academy of Marketing Science
Journal of Business Ethics
Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing,
Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management
Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management
Journal of Marketing Channel
Journal of Marketing: Theory and Practice
Journal of Selling
Marketing Management Journal
Member of
Association of Collegiate Marketing Education
National Conference in Sales Management
Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society
Consortium Fellow, Southwestern Marketing Association 1993
Discussant at Southern Marketing Association Proceedings 1994.
Reviewer for Sales Management track of Summer AMA 1995.
Chair of a session in Sales Management track of Summer AMA 1995.
Reviewer for Relationship Marketing track of AMS 1996
Reviewer for Strategy track of AMS 1997.
Reviewer for Sales Management track of Southern Marketing Proceedings 1997.
Reviewer for Logistics Track of Atlantic Marketing Association Proceedings 1997.
Reviewer for American Marketing Association Marketing Exchange Colloquium 1998.
Track Chair for Southwestern Marketing Association Proceedings 1998
Reviewer for Sales Management track of Atlantic Marketing Association Proceedings 1999
Reviewer for Southwestern Marketing Association Proceedings 1999
Track Chair of Sales Management track for Association of Collegiate Marketing Education 2001
Reviewer for 2001 World Marketing Congress
Reviewer for Relationship Marketing track of American Marketing Association Proceedings 2001
Reviewer for Summer American Marketing Association Proceedings 2002
Reviewer for Academy of Marketing Science Proceedings 2003
Col. Migiliorino and Lt Col. Piccione Faculty Award for Research Excellence in the College of Business Administration at University of Lousiana at Lafayette 2002-2003
Acadiana Bottling Endowed Professorship in Marketing (2004-2005)
Track Chair of Selling and Sales Management track for Association of Collegiate Marketing Education 2005
Track Chair of Selling and Sales Management track for Association of Collegiate Marketing Education 2006
Reviewer for Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management
Reviewer for Asia Pacific Journal of Management
Reviewer for Journal of Marketing Channels
Reviewer for Journal of Internet Commerce
Reviewer for National Conference for Sales Management Proceedings 2008
Reviewer for National Conference for Sales Management Proceedings 2010
Reviewer for the Consumer Behavior track for 2013 Society for Marketing Advances conference proceedings.
Reviewer for the Consumer Behavior track for 2014 Society for Marketing Advances conference proceedings.
Reviewer for the Sales Management track for 2014 Society for Marketing Advances conference proceedings.
Track Chair for the Marketing Technology track for 2015 Society for Marketing Advances conference proceedings to held at San Antonio, TX
1998 Summer Research Grant (Principle Investigator)
1999-2000 Board of Regents Grant for setting up an �International Business Clearinghouse� at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette (Co-Principle Investigator)
2000-2001 Board of Regents Grant for Enhancing Marketing Curricula with Geodemographic Software Applications (Co-Principle Investigator)
2004 Summer Research Grant (Principle Investigator)
2005-2006 Board of Regents Grant �Extending JIT to incorporate JIC scenarios: Refocusing contingency planning for teaching strategic marketing and supply chain management in Louisiana�s post 9/11 economy� (Principle Investigator)
2007 Faculty Research and Creative Projects Committee (FRCAC) Summer Grant