Dr. Katie Schrodt
Associate Professor

Departments / Programs
Degree Information
- PHD, Middle Tennessee State University (2015)
- MED, Middle Tennessee State University (2012)
- BS, University of North Texas (2006)
Areas of Expertise
- Early writing achievement
- Reading and writing motivation
- Effective literacy Professional Development
- Research to practice, making research accessible to teachers in the classroom
Schrodt, K., FitzPatrick, E., Lee, S., McKeown, D., McCollogh, A., Evert, K. (2024). The Effects of Invented Spelling Instruction on Literacy Achievement and Writing Motivation. Education Sciences.
Davis, T., Schrodt, K., Lee, S. (2024). An Exploration of the Impact of Quality Illustrations in Children’s Picturebooks on Preschool Student Narrative Ability. Reading Psychology.
Read More »Schrodt, K., FitzPatrick, E., Lee, S., McKeown, D., McCollogh, A., Evert, K. (2024). The Effects of Invented Spelling Instruction on Literacy Achievement and Writing Motivation. Education Sciences.
Davis, T., Schrodt, K., Lee, S. (2024). An Exploration of the Impact of Quality Illustrations in Children’s Picturebooks on Preschool Student Narrative Ability. Reading Psychology.
Barnes, Z. T., Schrodt, K., Fields, R. S. (2024). Science, literacy, and students with disabilities: What middle school teachers need to support students with disabilities in their classrooms. Reading and Writing Quarterly.
McClain, J., Schrodt, K., (2023). Service, suffering, and silence: A duo ethnographic exploration of the evangelical roots of gender hierarchies in American elementary schools. Gender and Education.
Schrodt, K. M., Smith, L., FitzPatrick, E., Liu, J. (2023). Facilitating Critical Discussion of Picturebooks through Socratic Seminars in a Kindergarten Classroom. Early Childhood Education Journal.
Schrodt, K., FitzPatrick, E., Reddig, K., Smith, E. P., Grow, J. (2022). #TextMeetsTech: Navigating Meaning and Identity through Transliteracy Practice. Management Association (Ed.), Research Anthology on Applying Social Networking Strategies to Classrooms and Libraries (pp. (pp. 1275-1293)). IGI Global.
FitzPatrick, E., McKeown, D., Schrodt, K. (2022). A tale of two outcomes: Time- and space-flexibile revision instruction for preservice and in-service teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic. A Retrospective of Teaching, Technology, and Teacher Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Schrodt, K. M., FitzPatrick, E., McKeown, D. (2022). Adapting In-service Professional Development to Meet the Needs of Preservice Teachers during the COVID-19 Pandemic through Design-based Research. A Retrospective of Teaching, Technology, and Teacher Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Schrodt, K., Nunnery, B., Kissel, B., Knapp (2022). Creating Writing Instruction Communities of Practice. Teaching/Writing: The Journal of Writing Teacher Education.
Schrodt, K., FitzPatrick, E., McClain, J. (2022). Supporting Emergent Writing with Oral Storytelling Strategies. The Reading Teacher.
Schrodt, K., FitzPatrick, E., Brown, Hover, A. (2022). Examining the Validity of the Writing Challenge Task: An Assessment Tool for Measuring Writing Motivation in Kindergarteners. Reading and Writing Quarterly.
Schrodt, K., Hasty, M., Hauptman, A. (2022). Planning, Co-Construction, Action: A Framework for Critical Literacy Instruction. The Dragon Lode.
Barksdale, B., Schrodt, K. M., Fields, R. S. (2022). We Read as One: Strategies for Empowering a Community of Intergenerational Readers. Dragon Lode.
Schrodt, K. M., Barksdale, B. A., Fields, R. S. (2022). Self-Directed Kindergarten Writers. Texas Journal of Literacy Education.
Schrodt, K. M., FitzPatrick, E. (2021). The Power of Sharing: When Kindergarten Students Write the Mentor Texts. Dimensions of Early Childhood, 49(3), 30-37.
Schrodt, K. M., FitzPatrick, E. R., Barksdale, B., Nunnery, B., Hasty, M. M. (2021). Teaching Writing with Mentor Texts in Kindergarten. Young Children.
McClain, J. B., Schrodt, K. M. (2021). Making Space for Multilingualism: Using Translanguaging Pedagogies to Disrupt Monolingual Language Ideologies within a Culturally Responsive Kindergarten Curriculum. The Reading Teacher.
FitzPatrick, E., Schrodt, K. M., Gilbert, S., Kissel, B. (2021). Writing as Capital: The Emancipatory Act of Writing for Profit, Advocacy, and Charity. Teachers College Record.
Schrodt, K. M., Winters, J. J., Huddleston, T. R. (2021). A STEAM_ed Bee: An Integrated Unit of Study on Bees. Science and Children.
Nunnery, B., Kissel, B., Schrodt, K. M. (2021). Writer’s Workshop: Maintaining Social Connection in Remote Learning. Childhood Education Innovations.
Schrodt, K. M., Nunnery, B. (2021). Communities of Practice: Fostering our own writerly lives as educators. Special Issue on Writing Instruction. International Literacy Association.
FitzPatrick, E., D. M., Schrodt, K. M. (2020). Asynchronous Audio Feedback: Time-flexible Writing Instruction for Time-strapped Parents, Teachers, and Learners. In R.E. Ferdig, E. Baumgartner, R. Hartshorne, R. Kaplan-Rakowski, & C. Mouza (Eds.), Teaching, technology, and teacher education during the COVID-19 pandemic: Stories from the field (pp. pp. 717-723). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
Schrodt, K. M., FitzPatrick, E. R., McKeown, D. (2020). In-service Teachers’ Technology Integration for Young Learners: Using QR Codes to Extend Knowledge Building with Non-fiction Picture Books. In R.E. Ferdig, E. Baumgartner, R. Hartshorne, R. Hartshorne, & C. Mouza (Eds.), Teaching, technology, and teacher education during the COVID-19 pandemic: Stories from the field (pp. pp. 705-710). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
Schrodt, K., FitzPatrick, E., Elleman, A. (2020). Becoming Brave Spellers. The Reading Teacher.
Schrodt, K., Barksdale, B., Fields, R. S., Matthews, E. (2020). The Ping Pong Project: Creating a Kindness Movement through Author Studies. Tennessee Literacy Journal.
Schrodt, K. M., Barnes, Z., DeVries, M., Grow, J., Wear, P. (2019). “I Notice My Feelings:” Making Sense of Mindfulness with 1st Graders and their Families. Networks: An online journal for teacher research, 21(2). 811 Banner Drive
Schrodt, K. M., Tharp, T. (2019). Engaging Teacher Candidates in a Family Literacy Program. Service InDEED.
Schrodt, K. M., Elleman, A. M., FitzPatrick, E. R., Hasty, M. M., Kim, J. K., Tharp, T. J., Rector, H. (2019). An Examination of Mindset Instruction, Self-Regulation, and Writer’s Workshop on Kindergarteners’ Writing Performance and Motivation: A Mixed-Methods Study. Reading and Writing Quarterly. https://api.elsevier.com/content/abstract/scopus_id/85065417823
Schrodt, K. M., FitzPatrick, E., Reddig, K., Smith, E., Grow, J. (2019). #TextMeetsTech: Pre-Service Teachers Navigating Meaning and Identity through Transliteracy Practice. Participatory Literacy Practices for P-12 Classrooms in the Digital Age.
Schrodt, K. M., Gilbert, S., FitzPatrick, E. (2018). Our Voices Carry: Six Fresh, Authentic Publishing Opportunities for Young Writers. The Ohio Journal of English Language Arts, 58(1), 47-54.
Hasty, M., Hauptman, A., Schrodt, K. M. (2017). The power of perspectives: Viewing stories from three dimensions. The Ohio Journal of English Language Arts, 57(1), 15-21.
Schrodt, K. M., Michelle, H. M. (2015). Using Writing to Support Close Reading: Engagement and Evidence from the Text. Voices from the Middle, 22(4).
Schrodt, K. M., Fain, J. G., Hasty, M. M. (2015). Exploring culturally relevant texts with kindergartners and their families. Reading Teacher, 68(8), 589-598. https://api.elsevier.com/content/abstract/scopus_id/84929028926
Outstanding Teaching Award, Middle Tennessee State University. (March 2023).
Phi Kappa Phi Influential Faculty Member, Middle Tennessee Chapter of the honor society of Phi Kappa Phi. (July 2022).
TCPRA Bronze Award, Tennessee College Public Relations, True Blue Helping Hands Podcast. (June 2021).
MTSU Person Who Makes a Difference, Middle Tennessee State University. (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022).
... Read More »Outstanding Teaching Award, Middle Tennessee State University. (March 2023).
Phi Kappa Phi Influential Faculty Member, Middle Tennessee Chapter of the honor society of Phi Kappa Phi. (July 2022).
TCPRA Bronze Award, Tennessee College Public Relations, True Blue Helping Hands Podcast. (June 2021).
MTSU Person Who Makes a Difference, Middle Tennessee State University. (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022).
Phi Kappa Phi Influential Faculty Member, Middle Tennessee Chapter of the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi. (January 2021).
Bonnie Campbell Hill National Teacher Leader Literacy Award, Children's Literature Assembly. (November 2020).
EXL Outstanding Faculty Award 2019-2020, MTSU EXL Scholars Program. (April 2020).
Outstanding Ph.D. Student in Literacy Studies Award, Literacy Studies Ph.D. Program MTSU. (May 2015).
MTSU Dissertation Writing Fellowship, Literacy Studies Ph.D. Program MTSU. (August 2014).
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